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Alphabetical List
- Robert Edgar Babb (1872–1951)
- Frank Herndon Bailey (1902–1986)
- Ralph Bailey (1927–2003)
- Charles E. Baker (1935–2010)
- The Honorable Gordon Badger Baker (1906–1973)
- The Honorable Julius H. Baggett (1925-2019)
- Rudolph Counts Barnes, Sr. (1917–1995)
- Nathaniel Berners Barnwell (1877–1950)
- Jackson L. Barwick, Jr. (1924–2012)
- The Honorable Lester L. Bates, Jr. (1931–2009)
- Roy D. Bates (1933–2009)
- Howard Carlisle Bean (1923–2000)
- The Honorable Randall Theron Bell (1945–1994)
- George Duncan Bellinger (1856–1910)
- The Honorable George Duncan Bellinger, Jr. (1888–1963)
- Duncan Clinch Heyward Belser (1918–1994)
- Irvine Furman Belser (1889–1969)
- James Edwin Belser (1883–1962)
- William Gordon Belser (1875–1961)
- Christie Benet (1879–1951)
- Isadore S. Bernstein (1922–2010)
- The Honorable Jean Galloway Bissell (1936–1990)
- Shuler Augustus Black (1901–1970)
- Solomon Blatt (1895–1986)
- The Honorable Sol Blatt Jr. (1921–2016)
- Edgeworth Montague Blythe (1872–1945)
- John T. Bodenheimer (1932–2007)
- Horace Leland Bomar, Jr. (1912–1994)
- The Honorable Milledge Lipscomb Bonham (1854–1943)
- Thomas McCullough Boulware (1883–1953)
- C. Benjamin Bowen (1927–2005)
- William Clarence Boyd, Jr. (1904–1975)
- James William Bradford (1914–1998)
- The Honorable James Moncrief Brailsford, Jr. (1910–1993)
- Wilburn Brewer, Jr. (1939–2003)
- Saunders M. Bridges (1924-2018)
- The Honorable Walter J. Bristow Jr. (1924–2013)
- Clarence Alvin Brown (1940–1978)
- David A. Brown (1936–2005)
- Edgar Allen Brown (1888–1975)
- The Honorable Luke N. Brown, Jr. (1919–2013)
- Reginald C. Brown, Jr. (1940–2010)
- The Honorable Walter B. Brown, Jr. (1947–2007)
- John Calvin Bruton (1907–1969)
- Gustavus Werber Bryan (1914–1990)
- Eugene Bryant (1902–1969)
- Thomas Braxton Bryant, Jr. (1905–1983)
- The Honorable Mary E. Buchan (1952–2007)
- Edward D. Buckley (1919–2006)
- George Lamb Buist (1888–1967)
- Henry Buist (1895–1977)
- Alfred Franklin Burgess (1906–1992)
- Howard Lamar Burns (1914–1996)
- Henry Busbee (1892–1987)
- The Honorable Thomas Patrick Bussey (1905–1981)
- Thomas Bothwell Butler (1903–1972)
- The Honorable William R. Byars, Jr. (1945-2019)
- The Honorable James Francis Byrnes (1882–1972)
- Frank E. Cain, Jr. (1924-2018)
- Thomas Pinckney Lowndes Cain (1901–1953)
- Tolliver Cleveland Callison (1884–1966)
- F. William Cappelmann (1888–1958)
- Robert Reid Carpenter (1929–2001)
- Rex L. Carter (1925-2014)
- The Honorable Daniel B. Causey, III (1942-2020)
- The Honorable A. Lee Chandler (1922–2012)
- James S. Chandler, Jr. (1949–2010)
- The Honorable Robert F. Chapman (1926-2018)
- John Wainwright Chappell (1940–1980)
- Nathaniel Heyward Clarkson, Jr. (1911–1995)
- Robert L. Clement, Jr. (1928-2017)
- The Honorable Owens T. Cobb, Jr. (1933–2007)
- The Honorable Ernest Ford Cochran (1865–1934)
- Alvin Atwell Coleman, Jr. (1930–1995)
- Billy C. Coleman (1916-2019)
- George Franklin Coleman, Jr. (1918–2002)
- The Honorable Louis E. Condon (1927–2011)
- The Honorable Carol Connor (1950–2004)
- Wallace Darlington Connor, Jr. (1916–1995)
- Edwin Haselden Cooper (1907–1993)
- Paul Anderson Cooper (1889–1956)
- John Ignatius Cosgrove (1888–1948)
- Thomas Perrin Cothran (1857–1934)
- The Honorable Edward B. Cottingham, Sr. (1928-2021)
- Vance L. Cowden (1949–2016)
- Fred D. Cox, Jr. (1922–2000)
- The Honorable John Wolff Crews (1890–1962)
- David H. Crum (1927–2012)
- Henry Hayne Crum (1914–2000)
- Ruth W. Cupp (1928–2016)
- Wilburn Carrol Gable, Jr. (1930–1978)
- The Honorable George Williams Gage (1856–1921)
- Robert Stone Galloway, Jr. (1928–1997)
- The Honorable Ernest Gary (1857–1914)
- The Honorable Eugene Blackburn Gary (1858–1926)
- The Honorable Frank Boyd Gary (1860–1922)
- Frank Boyd Gary, Jr. (1900–1971)
- The Honorable Arthur Lee Gaston (1876–1951)
- David Aiken Gaston (1903–1988)
- Henry Taylor Gaud (1909–1993)
- The Honorable Tanya A. Gee (1977-2016)
- John Thomas Gentry (1924–1991)
- William H. Gibbes, Sr. (1930-2018)
- Charles Haskell Gibbs (1915–1993)
- Coming B. Gibbs, Jr. (1936–2012)
- Julian H. Gignilliat (1939–2002)
- The Honorable John Lyles Glenn (1892–1938)
- Terrell Lyles Glenn, Sr. (1930–1993)
- Eleanor T. Going (1921–2013)
- The Honorable I. M. Goldberg (1933–1979)
- William Crosland Goldberg (1917–1972)
- Augustus T. Graydon (1916–2007)
- Clinton Tompkins Graydon (1890–1962)
- The Honorable George Benjamin Greene (1878–1957)
- The Honorable George Tillman Gregory, Jr. (1921–2001)
- Ned Gregory (1903–1986)
- Lawrence Marion Gressette (1902–1984)
- Lawrence M. Gressette, Jr. (1932–2013)
- Frank Barron Grier (1869–1933)
- Frank Barron Grier, Jr. (1907–1971)
- Eugene Cannon Griffith (1936–1990)
- Jefferson Davis Griffith (1889–1973)
- The Honorable Steve Campbell Griffith (1898–1972)
- George E. Grimball, Jr. (1923–2004)
- John Grimball (1914–1991)
- The Honorable William Heyward Grimball (1917–1999)
- William Heyward Grimball (1886–1964)
- Theodore Bogert Guerard (1930–1997)
- Angus Hamilton Macaulay (1893–1964)
- Alfred Cleo Mann (1889–1956); also inducted 1975
- Alfred Cleo Mann (1889–1956); also inducted 1961
- Major General T. Eston Marchant, Jr. (1920–2006)
- Andrew Burnet Marion (1919–1995)
- William Francis Marion (1923–1995)
- Edwin P. Martin (1938–2006)
- The Honorable J. Robert Martin, Jr. (1909–1984)
- The Honorable Thomasine G. Mason (1917–2012)
- Calhoun Allen Mays (1884–1967)
- William S. McAninch (1940-2018)
- Clarke Wardlaw McCants (1885–1950)
- Clarke W. McCants, Jr. (1921–2010)
- Thomas E. McCutchen, Jr. (1919-2018)
- T. English McCutchen III (1948–2008)
- John Betts McCutcheon, Sr. (1915–1997)
- Heyward Elliott McDonald (1925–2000)
- James Edwin McDonald (1856–1933)
- Moffatt Grier McDonald (1889–1953)
- Thomas Ketchin Elliott McDonald (1898–1974)
- The Honorable Daniel M. McEachin (1925-2015)
- Peter Hector McEachin (1895–1971)
- George Raymond McElveen (1896–1989)
- Joseph Means McFadden (1901–1990)
- Franklin Pierce McGowan (1898–1968)
- Douglas McKay (1886–1966)
- Douglas McKay, Jr. (1917–2008)
- Julius W. McKay, Sr. (1923-2018)
- James Rion McKissick (1884–1944)
- James Malcolm McLendon (1909–2000)
- Daniel R. McLeod (1913–1985)
- Franklin Alexander McLeod (1884–1958)
- James C. McLeod, Jr. (1931-2014)
- Peden B. McLeod, Sr. (1940-2021)
- R. Kirk McLeod (1921–1987)
- The Honorable Thomas Gordon McLeod (1868–1932)
- Walton James McLeod, Jr. (1906–1994)
- The Honorable William J. McLeod (1919–2010)
- Yancey Alford McLeod (1909–1975)
- The Honorable Judy L. Bridges McMahon (1945-2021)
- John G. McMaster, Jr. (1914–2015)
- Governor Robert E. McNair (1923–2007)
- David Harper Means (1913–1987)
- Thomas Samuel Means, Jr. (1921–2000)
- William Davis Melton (1868–1926)
- David A. Merline Sr. (1934–2015)
- Joseph DuPre Miller (1930–2002)
- Julian Mitchell (1867–1960)
- The Honorable Berry L. Mobley (1932–2009)
- Maurice Herndon Moore (1866–1910)
- James “Jimmie” Moore, Sr. (1918–2005)
- Joseph McQuillan Moorer (1884–1960)
- Patrick Bradley Morrah, Jr. (1915–1992)
- Stephen G. Morrison (1949–2013)
- The Honorable Joseph Rodney Moss (1903–1993)
- Ronald L. Motley (1944–2013)
- Edward Wade Mullins (1893–1989)
- The Honorable Jamie L. Murdock, Jr. (1952–2010)
- James Bryson Murphy (1887–1965)
- deRosset Myers (1920–2001)
- Robert Edward Salane (1947–1996)
- Edward Eli Saleeby (1927–2002)
- Julian B. Salley, Jr. (1912–2005)
- Paul Andrews Sansbury, Jr. (1920–1989)
- Claud Napoleon Sapp (1886–1947)
- The Honorable Wyatt T. Saunders, Jr. (1942–2009)
- Henry Savage, Jr. (1903–1990)
- Claude M. Scarborough, Jr. (1929–2012)
- The Honorable Ramon Schwartz, Jr. (1925-2017)
- John Munford Scott (1910–1982)
- William Henry Seals (1926–1989)
- The Honorable Thomas Sidney Sease (1867–1952)
- William Munro Shand (1881–1941)
- Joseph Dawson Shine (1949–2003)
- The Honorable Samuel Wilds Gillespie Shipp (1880–1937)
- Albert Simons, Jr. (1918–1998)
- The Honorable Charles Earl Simons, Jr. (1916–1999)
- Eaddy McLeod Singletary (1919–2001)
- Huger Sinkler (1868–1913)
- Huger Sinkler (1908–1987)
- Robert Beverley Sloan (1883–1950)
- Albert V. Smith (1946-2021)
- Barney Olevette Smith, Jr. (1952–1996)
- The Honorable Ellen Hines Smith (1940–1998)
- The Honorable Henry Augustus Middleton Smith (1853–1924)
- Herbert Lee Smith (1889–1969)
- Milton A. Smith, Sr. (1925-2018)
- Roy M. Smith, Sr. (1928–2006)
- Augustine Thomas Smythe (1885–1962)
- Augustine Thomas Smythe (1918–1991)
- Henry Buist Smythe (1920–2002)
- The Honorable Emory Marlin Sneeden (1928–1987)
- The Honorable Thomas Hardeman Spain (1857–1935)
- Floyd Davidson Spence (1928–2001)
- Charles William Fraser Spencer (1876–1956)
- Charles William Fraser Spencer, Jr. (1911–1985)
- The Honorable J. McNary Spigner (1922–1999)
- John McKee Spratt (1907–1973)
- Harry Roberts Stephenson, Jr. (1915–1990)
- J. Hamilton Stewart, III (1943-2016)
- Robert L. Stoddard (1918–2006)
- E. Randolph Stone (1918–2006)
- Laurence O’Hear Stoney, Sr. (1921–1992)
- Thomas Porcher Stoney (1889–1974)
- The Honorable Taylor Hudnall Stukes (1893–1961)
- William Kenneth Suggs (1893–1972)
- Samuel L. Svalina (1935–2013)