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Memory Hold The Door, Volume II: 1968–1977

Memory Hold The Door Honorees from 1968 to 1977.

Thomas Porcher Stoney (1889–1974)

Thomas Porcher Stoney (1889–1974)

Thomas Porcher Stoney was Solicitor of the Ninth Judicial Circuit from 1916 through 1923 and Mayor of the City of Charleston from 1923 until 1931.

He was born on Backriver Plantation, Berkeley County, to Samuel Porcher and Eliza Chaplin Craft Stoney. He attended the University of the South (Sewanee) and the University of South Carolina Law School, receiving his LL.B. in 1911. He practiced in Charleston for 63 years.

He married Beverley DuBose and they had three children, Randall Craft, Theodore DuBose and Laurence O’Hear.

He was a member of the American Bar Association and a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He served as President of the Charleston County Bar, President of the University of South Carolina Alumni Association and Trustee of the University of the South, Porter Military Academy and the College of Charleston. A member of the Huguenot Society, St. Cecilia Society, and numerous fraternal orders, he was a lifelong Episcopalian.

He excelled at both the law and politics. An exceptional advocate, stump-speaker without peer, he could sense the reactions of jurors and voters who responded to his vivid personality, his reasoning and his innate character, honesty and integrity.

He enjoyed the affection of most of those who knew him, the sincere respect of all.