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University of South Carolina School of Law
“All for Civil Rights”
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“All for Civil Rights”
African-American Congressmen, Judges & Lawmakers in South Carolina, Compiled by W. Lewis Burke
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Radical members of the South Carolina Legislature
First Senators and Representatives
Lists of Officials & Lawyers
Alphabetical List of Officials
Chronological List of Officials, 19th Century
Chronological List of Officials, 20th Century
Constitutional Convention Delegates
List of Officials by Office
African American Lawyers in South Carolina, 1868–1968
Biographical Sketches
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Macon Bolling Allen (1816–1894)
Donald W. Beatty (1952–)
Harold R. Boulware (1913–1983)
Richard Harvey Cain (1825–1887)
Francis Lewis Cardozo (1837–1903)
James Enos Clyburn (1940–)
Robert Carlos De Large (1842–1874)
Robert Brown Elliott (1842–1884)
Ernest A. Finney, Jr. (1931–)
Nathaniel Jerome Frederick (18 November 1877–7 September 1938)
George Lee (1830–1873)
Samuel J. Lee (1842–1895)
Henry J. Maxwell (1837–1906)
Thomas Ezekiel Miller (1849–1938)
Jacob Moorer (1862–1935)
George Washington Murray
Matthew J. Perry, Jr. (1921–2011)
Joseph Hayne Rainey (1832–1887)
B.F. Randolph (1820–1868)
Alonzo Jacob Ransier (1834–1882)
Robert Smalls (1839–1915)
Stephen A. Swails (1832–1900)
William J. Whipper (1834–1907)
Jonathan Jasper Wright (1840-1885)
List of Officials by Office
State & Federal Government
State & Federal Courts
Adjutant General
South Carolina House of Representatives
South Carolina Lieutenant Governor
South Carolina Secretary of State
South Carolina Solicitors
South Carolina State Senators
South Carolina Treasurer
U.S. Congressmen
Municipal Court
South Carolina Circuit Court
South Carolina Court of Appeals
South Carolina Family Court
South Carolina Inferior Court
South Carolina Probate Court
South Carolina Supreme Court
United States District Court Judges
Adjutant General
Purvis, Henry W., 1870–77
South Carolina House of Representatives
Adamson, William, 1869–70
Adamson, Frank, 1870–74
Alexander, Terry, 2008–P.
Allen, Karl B., 2001–P.
Allman, Jacob C., 1872–76
Anderson, Robert B., Jr., 1890–98
Anderson, Ralph, 1991–96
Anderson, Carl Lovetta, 2005–P.
Andrews, William J., 1874–78
Artson, Robert B., 1872–74
Bailey, Kenneth Elvin, 1985–92
Bampfield, Samuel J., 1874–76
Barksdale, Hudson Lee, 1975–82
Bascomb, John B., 1870–74
Baxter, Jonathan A., 1884–89
Beatty, Donald W., 1991–95
Beckett, William W., 1882–83
Bennett, George A., 1868
Bishop, W.A., 1868–70
Blanding, Larry, 1977–91
Bolts, John W., 1899–02
Boseman, Benjamin A.,Jr., 1868–73
Boston, John, 1868–70, 72–74
Boston, Joseph D., 1868–76
Bowley, James A., 1868–74
Brantley, Curtis, 2007–P.
Brayton, Ellery M., 1874–76
Breeland, Floyd, 1993–09
Bridges, Sampson S., 1872–78
Bright, Peter, 1874–76
Broadwater, Thomas D., 1981–85
Brodie, William J., 1868–70
Brown, Stephen, 1868–70
Brown, Joe Ellis, 1986–07
Brown, Theodore A., 1995–01
Brown, Robert L., 2001–P.
Bryan, Richard, 1870–74
Burckmeyer, H.Z., 1874–76
Burton, Barney, 1868–70
Byas, Benjamin, 1870–72
Byrd, Alma Weaver, 1991–99
Cain, Lawrence, 1868–72
Cain, Everidge, 1870–74
Cain, Edwin J., 1868–70
Canty, Ralph W., 1991–01
Cave, Wilbur Lucius, 1995–99
Chestnut, John A., 1868–70
Chisolm, Caesar P., 1882–83
Clyburn, William "Bill", 1995–P.
Cobb-Hunter, Gilda, 1992–P.
Coker, Simon P., 1874–76
Coleman, Samuel, 1875–78
Collins, Augustus, 1872–76
Cooke, Wilson, 1868–70
Curtis, Andrew W., 1872–78
Dannerly, William, 1870–72
Dannerly, Abram, 1872–74
Davies, Nelson, 1872–76
Davis, James, 1870–72
De Large, Robert Carlos, 1868–70
DeMars, Francis, 1868–70
Dillard, Chandra E., 2009–P.
Dix, John, 1872–74
Doilly, Samuel B., 1874–76
Drayton, Paul B., 1880–82
Driffle, William A., 1868–70, 80–82
Duncan, Samuel L., 1872–76
Eckhard, Sidney C., 1876–80
Elfe, William T., 1878–80
Elliott, William E., 1870–72
Elliott, Robert B., 1868–70, 74–76
Ellison, Henry H., 1870–74
Ezekiel, Phillip E., 1868–70
Faber, James, 1985–91
Fant, Ennis Maurice, 1989–91
Farr, Simeon, 1868–72
Farrow, Simeon P., 1874–76
Felder, James L., 1971–73
Ferguson, Edward, 1870–72
Ferguson, Tee, 1983–91
Fielding, Herbert U., 1971–73, 83–85
Fields, Thomas R., 1890–91
Finney, Ernest A. Jr., 1973–76
Ford, Adam P., 1870–74
Foster, Samuel Rufus, 1981–93
Fraser, William H., 1872- 74
Frederick, Benjamin G., 1878–80, 82–83
Freeman, John M., Jr., 1874–76
Frost, Florian Henry, 1870–72
Gadson, Tobias, Sr., 1981–85
Gaither, Reuben D., 1870–78
Gantt, Hastings, 1870–74, 76–83
Gardner, John, 1868–70
Garey, Stephen, 1870–72, 74–76
George, Ebenezer F., 1874–76
Gibson, John, 1874–77
Gilbert, Frank, 1983–88
Giles, Fortune, 1870–74
Gilliard, Wendell G., 2009–P.
Gilmore, John T., 1872–74
Glover, William C., 1870–72
Glover, Maggie W., 1989–93
Goggins, Mitchell, 1870–72, 74–76
Goggins, Juanita W., 1973–80
Goodson, Aesop, 1868–72
Gordon, Benjamin J., 1973–91
Gourdine, Amos Lee, 1997–05
Govan, Jerry N., Jr., 1993–P.
Graham, David, 1872–76
Grant, John G., 1868–70
Grant, Joseph J., 1872–74
Grant, William A., 1872–74
Gray, William H.W., 1868–70
Green, John A., 1870–72
Green, Charles S., 1872–78
Greene, Samuel, 1870–75
Greenwood, Ishom, 1872–74
Gunn, Anton J., 2009–P.
Hamilton, Thomas, 1872–78
Hamilton, Maurice C., 1892–93
Hardy, James J., 1870–71
Harriet, R.M., 1874–76
Harris, David, 1868–72
Hart, Christopher R., 2007–P.
Hart, Alfred, 1870–72
Hayes, Eben, 1868–70, 72–74
Hayne, Charles D., 1868–72
Hayne, James N., 1868–72
Hedges, Plato P., 1870–72
Henderson, James A., 1868–70, 74–76
Henderson, John T., 1870–72
Hines, Jesse Edison, 1993–07
Hines, Mack Torise, 1995–07
Hodges, Kenneth F., 2005–P.
Holland, Gloster H., 1872–76
Holmes, Abraham P., 1870–74
Hosey, Lonnie, 1999–P.
Hough, Allison W., 1872–74, 76–78
Howard, A.H., 1874–76
Howard, Leon, 1995–P.
Hudson, Allen, 1870–72, 74–76
Humbert, Richard H., 1870–78
Humphries, Barney, 1868–72
Hunter, Hezekiah H., 1870–72
Hunter, Alfred T.B., 1874–76
Hutson, James, 1868–70
Inabinett, Curtis B., 1991–01
Jackson, Austin S., 1874–76
Jacobs, Henry, 1868–70
James, Burrell, 1868–70
Jamison, James L., 1870–72
Jefferson, Paul W., 1874–76
Jefferson, Joseph Herman, 2005–P.
Jervey, William R., 1868–72
Joe, Isaac C., 1981–85
Johnson, D.J.J., 1868–70
Johnson, Griffin C., 1868–72
Johnson, I.S. Leevy, 1971–73, 75–81
Johnson, Henry, 1868–70
Johnson, John W., 1872–74
Johnson, Samuel, 1868–70
Johnston, William E., 1868–69
Jones, Williams H., Jr., 1868–72
Jones, Paul E., 1874–76
Jones, Marshall, 1886–87
Jones, A.H., 1874–76
Keith, Samuel J., 1870–77
Kennedy, Kenneth, 1991–P.
King, John R. C., 2009–P.
Lang, Jordan, 1868–72
Lee, Levi, 1872–74
Lee, Brenda, 1995–05
Lee, George, 1868–70
Lee, Samuel J., 1868–74
Lilly, John, 1872–74
Lloyd, Walter P., 1995–05
Lloyd, Joseph W., 1870–72
Logan, Aaron, 1870–72
Lomax, Hutson J., 1868–70
Mack, David J., III, 1997–P.
Maree, William, 1876–80
Martin, Daniel E., Sr., 1984–92
Martin, Thomas H., 1872–74
Matthews, John W., Jr., 1975–85
Mayer, Julius, 1868–70
Mays, James P., 1868–70
McBride, Frank Earl, 1985–91
McDaniels, Harry, 1868–72
McDowell, Thomas D., 1870–72
McEachern, Joseph A., 2009–P.
McKinlay, William, 1868–70
McKinlay, Whitefield J., 1868–70
McMahand, Willie B., Jr., 1993–01
Mead, John W., 1868–72
Mears, George M., 1880–91
Mickey, Edward C., 1868–72
Middleton, Benjamin W., 1872–74
Middleton, Earl Matthew, 1975–85
Miles, Mary P., 1983–85
Miller, Franklin F., 1868–70
Miller, Isaac, 1872–74
Miller, M.S., 1872–74
Miller, Thomas E., 1874–80, 86–87, 94–96
Mills, James, 1872–74
Mills, L.S., 1882–83
Milton, Syphax, 1870–72, 74–78
Minort, Charles S., 1872–74, 76–77
Mitchell, F.S., 1884–85
Mitchell, Theo Walker, 1975–85
Mitchell, Herbert Larry, 1985–87
Mitchell, Harold, Jr., 2005–P.
Mobley, Junius S., 1868–72
Moody-Lawrence, Bessie Ayers, 1993–09
Moore, Alfred M., 1870–72
Morgan, Shadrach, 1874–78
Morrison, William C., 1868–70
Moultrie, William J., 1880–83
Murray, Joseph R., 1975–81
Murray, Julius, 1979–85
Myers, Nathaniel B., 1870–78
Nash, Jonas W., 1868–69
Neal, Joseph H., 1993–P.
Nelson, William, 1868–70
Nesbitt, Richard, 1874–76
Nix, Frederick, Jr., 1872–74
North, Charles F., 1872–74
Nuckles, Samuel, 1868–72
Owens, Joseph A., 1880–82
Parker, Joseph, 1880–82
Parks, Julia Anne, 1997–98, 99–P.
Patterson, Kay, 1973–85
Pendergrass, Jeffrey, 1868–72
Perrin, Wade, 1868–70
Peterson, James F., 1872–78
Petty, Edward, 1872–74
Pinckney, William G., 1874–76, 82–83
Pinckney, Clementa C., 1997–01
Presley, Thomas, 1872–74
Prioleau, Isaac, 1872–74
Purvis, Henry W., 1868–70
Ramsey, Warren W., 1868–76
Ransier, Alonzo J., 1868–70
Ravenel, Cain, 1882–83
Reed, George A., 1872–74, 76–78
Reynolds, A.C., 1888–89
Richardson, Thomas D., 1868–70, 74–76
Richardson, Mark P., 1890
Riley, Henry, 1872–76
Rivers, January R., 1892–93
Rivers, Prince R., 1868–74
Robinson, Joseph, 1876–78, 80–85
Rue, John C., 1880–82, 86–87
Rush, Alfred, 1868–70, 74–76
Rutherford, James Todd, 1999–P.
Sasportas, Thaddeus K., 1868–70
Saunders, Sancho, 1868–72
Scott, Robert F., 1868–70
Scott, William, 1874–78
Scott, John L., Jr., 1990–08
Scott, Timothy E., 2009–P.
Sellers, Bakari T., 2007–P.
Shelton, Sara Valena, 1985–89
Sheppard, W.H., 1884–85
Shrewsbury, Henry L., 1868–70
Simkins, Augustus, 1872–76
Simkins, Paris, 1872–76
Simmons, Hercules, 1874–76
Simmons, Aaron, 1874–76,84–85, 88–89
Simmons, Benjamin, 1875–76, 78–80
Simms, Charles, 1872–74
Simons, William, 1868–72, 74–76
Simons, Lewis, 1872–74
Singleton, Ashbury L., 1870–72
Singleton, J.P., 1871–72
Singleton, James, 1882–83
Singleton, Andrew, 1882–83, 90
Smalls, Sherman, 1870–74
Smalls, William, 1878–80
Smalls, Robert, 1868–70
Smiley, James E., 1868–70
Smith, Abraham, 1868–72
Smith, Jackson A., 1872–78
Smith, Fletcher N., Jr., 1997–09
Smythe, Powell, 1868–70
Spears, Butler, 1872–74
Spencer, Nathaniel T., 1872–74
Spencer, James A., 1874–76
Sperry, Charles H., 1872–74
Steele, Henry S., 1874–76
Straker, Daniel A., 1876–77
Sullivan, Caesar, 1872–74
Tarlton, Robert S., 1870–74
Taylor, Luther L.,Jr., 1983–91
Taylor, Levola S., 1991–93
Thomas, William H., 1876–77
Thomas, William M., 1868–76
Thomas, John W., 1870–72
Thompson, Joseph, 1874–76
Thompson, Benjamin A., 1868–70, 72–74
Thompson, Samuel B., 1868–74
Tingman, Julius C., 1872–74
Turner, Robert W., 1872–74
Valentine, Richard M., 1868
Vanderpool, John, 1872–76
Wallace, John, 1872–74
Wallace, Thomas H., 1890
Warley, Jared D., 1870–74
Washington, Julius I., 1886–89
Washington, McKinley, Jr., 1975- 90
Weeks, David, 2001–P.
Weldon, Archie, 1874–76
Westberry, John H., 1874–80
Weston, Ellison M., 1874–76
Whipper, Lucille S., 1986–97
Whipper, J. Seth, 1995–P.
Whipper, William James, 1868–72, 75–76
White, Juanita M., 1980–97
White, John H., 1868–72
Wideman, Hannibal A., 1872–76
Wigg, James, 1890–91
Wilder, Charles M., 1868–70
Williams, Bruce H., 1874–76
Williams, Dewitt, 1983–96
Williams, Robert Quentin, 2007–P.
Wilson, James Clement, 1872–74
Wilson, George, 1975–79
Woods, Robert R., 1973–87
Wright, John B., 1868–70
Wright, Smart, 1874–76
Young, Prince, 1872–74
Young, James, 1872–76
South Carolina Lieutenant Governor
Gleaves, Richard H., 1872–77
Ransier, Alonzo J., 1870–72
South Carolina Secretary of State
Cardozo, Francis L., 1870–72
Hayne, Henry E., 1872–74
South Carolina Solicitors
Lee, Samuel J., 1876–1877
Wilson, Ralph, 1990–1998
South Carolina State Senators
Anderson, Ralph, 1997–P.
Barber, George W., 1868–72
Bird, Israel, 1876–80
Cain, Richard H., 1868–70
Cain, Lawrence, 1872–76
Cardozo, Henry, 1870–74
Carter, Frank, 1874–78
Clinton, Frederick A., 1870–77
Duncan, Hiram W., 1868–72
Duncan, Samuel L., 1876–80
Fielding, Herbert U., 1985–93
Ford, Sanders, 1872–73
Ford, Robert, 1993–P.
Gaillard, Samuel E., 1871–77
Gilbert, Frank, 1989–93
Glover, Maggie W., 1993–05
Greene, Samuel, 1875–77
Hayne, William A., 1874–76
Hayne, Henry E., 1868–72
Hayne, Charles D., 1872–76
Jackson, Darrell, 1993–P.
Jamison, James L., 1872–73
Jervey, William R., 1872–76
Johnston, William E., 1869–77
Jones, Williams H., Jr., 1872–76
Lee, John, 1872–74
Malloy, Gerald, 2002–P.
Martin, Moses, 1873–76
Matthews, John W., Jr., 1985–P.
Maxwell, Henry J., 1868–77
Miller, Thomas E., 1880–82
Mitchell, Theo Walker, 1985–95
Myers, William F., 1874–78
Nash, William B., 1868–77
Newman, Isaiah D., 1983–86
Nicholson, Floyd, 2009–P.
Patterson, Kay, 1984–09
Pinckney, Clementa C., 2001–P.
Rainey, Joseph H., 1868–70
Randolph, Benjamin F., 1868
Reynolds, Thomas J., 1884–87
Robinson, Hamilton, 1882–83
Scott, John L., Jr., 2009–P.
Simmons, Robert, 1882–85
Smalls, Robert, 1870–75
Swails, Stephen A., 1868–77
Walker, Dublin J., 1874–77
Warley, Jared D., 1874–77
Washington, McKinley, Jr., 1991–01
White, John H., 1872–76
Williams, Bruce H., 1876–87
Williams, Dewitt, 1996–97
Williams, Kent M., 2005–P.
Wimbush, Lucius, 1868–72
Wright, Jonathan J., 1868–70
South Carolina Treasurer
Cardozo, Francis L., 1872–77
U.S. Congressmen
Cain, Richard H., 1873–75, 77–79
Clyburn, James E., 1992–P.
De Large, Robert Carlos, 1871–73
Elliott, Robert B., 1871–74
Miller, Thomas E., 1890–91
Murray, George Washington, USH 1893–95, 96–97
Rainey, Joseph H., 1870–79
Ransier, Alonzo J., 1873–75
Smalls, Robert, 1875–79, 82–83, 84–87
Municipal Court
Fields, Richard E., 1969–74
Boulware, Harold, 1969–74
South Carolina Circuit Court
Beatty, Donald W., 1995–03
Childs, Michelle, 2006–P.
Ferguson, Tee, 1990–92
Fields, Richard E., 1980–92
Finney, Ernest A. Jr., 1976–85
Jefferson, Deadra L., 2001–P.
Lee, Alison R., 1999–P.
Lloyd, Reginald I., 2003–06
Manning, Lee Casey, 1994–P.
Martin, Daniel E., Sr., 1992–01
Newman, Clifton, 2000–P.
Whipper, William James, 1875
Wilson, Joseph Alva, 1991–1997
South Carolina Court of Appeals
Beatty, Donald W., 2003–07
Cureton, Jasper M., 1983–03
Geathers, John D., 2008–P.
South Carolina Family Court
Boulware, Harold R., 1975–82
Cureton, Jasper M, 1982–83
Fields, Richard E., 1974–80
Holmes, Jan B., 2007–P.
Jefferson, Deadra L., 1996–01
Jenkins, Robert N., Sr., 1996–P.
Kinlaw, Alex, Jr., 2009–P.
Rogers, Abigail, 1989–95
Smith, Willie T., Jr., 1978–93
Taylor, Angela R., 2010–P.
Wilson, Joseph Alva, 1988–91
South Carolina Inferior Court
Allen, Macon B., 1873–75
Lee, George H., 1872–73
South Carolina Probate Court
Allen, Macon B., 1877–78
Bowley, James A., 1890–94
Boney, Harrison N., 1874–76
Gleaves, Richard H., 1870–72
Grant, Jeremiah, 1868–72
Green, Zechariah, 1894–97
Jones, Walter R., 1876
Lee, Samuel, 1876–78
Richmond, John C., 1878–80
Thorpe, James, 1876–78
Whipper, William J., 1882–88
South Carolina Supreme Court
Beatty, Donald W., 2007–P.
Finney, Ernest A. Jr., 1985–94, CJ–1994–01
Wright, Jonathan J., 1870–77
United States District Court Judges
Perry, Matthew J., 1979–P.
Seymour, Margaret B., 1998–P.
Childs, Michelle, 2010–P.
Constitutional Convention Delegates
African American Lawyers in South Carolina, 1868–1968 >>