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Abbreviations Key
- CCD = Constitutional Convention Delegate
- J — SCCC = Justice, SC Circuit Court
- J — SCCOA = Justice, SC Court of Appeals
- J — SCFC = Justice,
- J — SCIC = Justice, SC Inferior Court
- J — SCPC = Justice,
- J — SCSC = Justice, SC Supreme Court
- J — USDC = Justice, US District Court
- J — MC = Justice, Municipal Court
- LTG = Lieutenant Governor
- SCAdG = SC Adjutant General
- SCH = SC House of Representatives
- SCS = SC Senate
- SCT = SC State Treasurer
- SCSOS = SC Secretary of State
- USH = US House of Representatives
Alphabetical List of Officials
- Adamson, Frank, SCH 1870–74
- Adamson, William, SCH 1869–70
- Alexander, Purvis, CCD 1868
- Alexander, Terry, SCH 2008–P.
- Allen, Karl B., SCH 2001–P.
- Allen, Macon B., J-SCIC 1873–74, J-SCPC 1877–78
- Allman, Jacob C., SCH 1872–76
- Anderson, Carl Lovetta, SCH 2005–P.
- Anderson, Ralph, SCH 1991–96, SCS 1997–P.
- Anderson, Robert B., Jr., SCH 1890–98
- Andrews, Robert B., CCD 1895
- Andrews, William J., SCH 1874–78
- Artson, Robert B., SCH 1872–74
- Bailey, Kenneth Elvin, SCH 1985–92
- Bampfield, Samuel J., SCH 1874–76
- Barber, George W., SCS 1868–72
- Barksdale, Hudson Lee, SCH 1975–82
- Bascomb, John B., SCH 1870–74
- Baxter, Jonathan A., SCH 1884–89
- Beatty, Donald W., SCH 1991–95, J-SCCC 1995–03, J-SCCOA 2003–07, J-SCSC 2007–P.
- Becker, Martin F., CCD 1868
- Beckett, William W., SCH 1882–83
- Bennett, George A., SCH 1868
- Bird, Israel, SCS 1876–80
- Bishop, W.A., SCH 1868–70
- Blanding, Larry, SCH 1977–91
- Bolts, John W., SCH 1899–02
- Boney, Harrison N., J-SCPC 1874–76
- Bonum, John, CCD 1868
- Boseman, Benjamin A., Jr., SCH 1868–73
- Boston, John, SCH 1868–70, 72–74
- Boston, Joseph D., SCH 1868–76
- Boulware, Harold R., J-SCFC 1975–82
- Bowley, James A., SCH 1868–74, J-SCPC 1890–94
- Brantley, Curtis, SCH 2007–P.
- Brayton, Ellery M., SCH 1874–76
- Breeland, Floyd, SCH 1993–09
- Bridges, Sampson S., SCH 1872–78
- Bright, Peter, SCH 1874–76
- Broadwater, Thomas D., SCH 1981–85
- Brockenton, Isaac P., CCD 1868
- Brodie, William J., SCH 1868–70
- Brown, Joe Ellis, SCH 1986–07
- Brown, Robert L., SCH 2001–P.
- Brown, Stephen, SCH 1868–70
- Brown, Theodore A., SCH 1995–01
- Bryan, Richard, SCH 1870–74
- Burckmeyer, H.Z., SCH 1874–76
- Burton, Barney, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Byas, Benjamin, SCH 1870–72
- Byrd, Alma Weaver, SCH 1991–99
- Cain, Edwin J., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Cain, Everidge, SCH 1870–74
- Cain, Lawrence, SCH 1868–72, SCS 1872–76
- Cain, Richard H., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–70, USH 1873–75, 77–79
- Canty, Ralph W., SCH 1991–01
- Cardozo, Francis L., CCD 1868, SCSOS 1870–72, SCT 1872–77
- Cardozo, Henry, SCS 1870–74
- Carter, Frank, SCS 1874–78
- Cave, Wilbur Lucius, SCH 1995–99
- Chestnut, John A., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Childs, Michelle, J-SCCC 2006–P.
- Chisolm, Caesar P., SCH 1882–83, CCD 1895
- Clinton, Frederick A., CCD 1868, SCS 1870–77
- Clyburn, James E., USH 1992–P.
- Clyburn, William “Bill”, SCH 1995–P.
- Cobb-Hunter, Gilda, SCH 1992–P.
- Coker, Simon P., SCH 1874–76
- Coleman, Samuel, SCH 1875–78
- Collins, Augustus, SCH 1872–76
- Cooke, Wilson, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Cureton, Jasper M., J-SCFC 1982–83, J-SCCOA 1983–03
- Curtis, Andrew W., SCH 1872–78
- Dannerly, Abram, SCH 1872–74
- Dannerly, William, SCH 1870–72
- Davies, Nelson, CCD 1868, SCH 1872–76
- Davis, James, SCH 1870–72
- De Large, Robert Carlos, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, USH 1871–73
- DeMars, Francis, SCH 1868–70
- Dillard, Chandra E., SCH 2009–P.
- Dix, John, SCH 1872–74
- Dogan, Abram, CCD 1868
- Doilly, Samuel B., SCH 1874–76
- Drayton, Paul B., SCH 1880–82
- Driffle, William A., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, 80–82
- Duncan, Hiram W., SCS 1868–72
- Duncan, Samuel L., SCH 1872–76, SCS 1876–80
- Eckhard, Sidney C., SCH 1876–80
- Edwards, Harvey, CCD 1868
- Elfe, William T., SCH 1878–80
- Elliott, Robert B., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, 74–76, USH 1871–74
- Elliott, William E., SCH 1870–72
- Ellison, Henry H., SCH 1870–74
- Ezekiel, Phillip E., SCH 1868–70
- Faber, James, SCH 1985–91
- Fant, Ennis Maurice, SCH 1989–91
- Farr, Simeon, SCH 1868–72
- Farrow, Simeon P., SCH 1874–76
- Felder, James L., SCH 1971–73
- Ferguson, Edward, SCH 1870–72
- Ferguson, Tee, SCH 1983–91, J-SCCC 1990–92
- Fielding, Herbert U., SCH 1971–73, 83–85, SCS 1985–93
- Fields, Richard E., J-MC 1969–74, J-SCFC 1974–80, J-SCCC 1980–92
- Fields, Thomas R., SCH 1890–91
- Finney, Ernest A. Jr., SCH 1973–76, J-SCCC 1976–85, J-SCSC 1985–94, CJ-SCSC 1994–01
- Ford, Adam P., SCH 1870–74
- Ford, Robert, SCS 1993–P.
- Ford, Sanders, SCS 1872–73
- Foster, Rice, CCD 1868
- Foster, Samuel Rufus, SCH 1981–93
- Fraser, William H., SCH 1872- 74
- Frederick, Benjamin G., SCH 1878–80, 82–83
- Freeman, John M., Jr., SCH 1874–76
- Frost, Florian Henry, SCH 1870–72
- Gadson, Tobias, Sr., SCH 1981–85
- Gaillard, Samuel E., SCS 1871–77
- Gaither, Reuben D., SCH 1870–78
- Gantt, Hastings, SCH 1870–74, 76–83
- Gardner, John, SCH 1868–70
- Garey, Stephen, SCH 1870–72, 74–76
- Geathers, John D., J-SCCOA 2008–P.
- George, Ebenezer F., SCH 1874–76
- Gibson, John, SCH 1874–77
- Gilbert, Frank, SCH 1983–88, SCS 1989–93
- Giles, Fortune, SCH 1870–74
- Gilliard, Wendell G., SCH 2009–P.
- Gilmore, John T., SCH 1872–74
- Gleaves, Richard H., LTG 1872–77
- Glover, Maggie W., SCH 1989–93, SCS 1993–05
- Glover, William C., SCH 1870–72
- Goggins, Juanita W., SCH 1973–80
- Goggins, Mitchell, SCH 1870–72, 74–76
- Goodson, Aesop, SCH 1868–72
- Gordon, Benjamin J., SCH 1973–91
- Gourdine, Amos Lee, SCH 1997–05
- Govan, Jerry N., Jr., SCH 1993–P.
- Graham, David, SCH 1872–76
- Grant, Jeremiah, J-SCPC 1868–72
- Grant, John G., SCH 1868–70
- Grant, Joseph J., SCH 1872–74
- Grant, William A., SCH 1872–74
- Gray, William H.W., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Green, John A., SCH 1870–72
- Greene, Zachariah D., J-SCPC 1894–97
- Green, Charles S., SCH 1872–78
- Greene, Samuel, SCH 1870–75, SCS 1875–77
- Greenwood, Ishom, SCH 1872–74
- Gunn, Anton J., SCH 2009–P.
- Hamilton, Maurice C., SCH 1892–93
- Hamilton, Thomas, SCH 1872–78
- Hardy, James J., SCH 1870–71
- Harriet, R.M., SCH 1874–76
- Harris, David, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Hart, Alfred, SCH 1870–72
- Hart, Christopher R., SCH 2007–P.
- Hayes, Eben, SCH 1868–70, 72–74
- Hayne, Charles D., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72, SCS 1872–76
- Hayne, Henry E., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–72, SCSOS 1872–74
- Hayne, James N., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Hayne, William A., SCS 1874–76
- Hedges, Plato P., SCH 1870–72
- Henderson, James A., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, 74–76
- Henderson, John T., SCH 1870–72
- Hines, Jesse Edison, SCH 1993–07
- Hines, Mack Torise, SCH 1995–07
- Hodges, Kenneth F., SCH 2005–P.
- Holland, Gloster H., SCH 1872–76
- Holmes, Abraham P., SCH 1870–74
- Holmes, Jan B., J-SCFC 2007–P.
- Hosey, Lonnie, SCH 1999–P.
- Hough, Allison W., SCH 1872–74, 76–78
- Howard, A.H., SCH 1874–76
- Howard, Leon, SCH 1995–P.
- Hudson, Allen, SCH 1870–72, 74–76
- Humbert, Richard H., SCH 1870–78
- Humphries, Barney, SCH 1868–72
- Hunter, Alfred T.B., SCH 1874–76
- Hunter, Hezekiah H., SCH 1870–72
- Hutson, James, SCH 1868–70
- Inabinett, Curtis B., SCH 1991–01
- Jackson, Darrell, SCS 1993–P.
- Jackson, Austin S., SCH 1874–76
- Jacobs, Henry, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- James, Burrell, SCH 1868–70
- Jamison, James L., SCH 1870–72, SCS 1872–73
- Jefferson, Deadra L., J-SCFC 1996–01, J-SCCC 2001–P.
- Jefferson, Joseph Herman, SCH 2005–P.
- Jefferson, Paul W., SCH 1874–76
- Jenkins, Robert N., Sr., J-SCFC 1996–P.
- Jervey, William R., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72, SCS 1872–76
- Joe, Isaac C., SCH 1981–85
- Johnson, D.J.J., SCH 1868–70
- Johnson, Griffin C., SCH 1868–72
- Johnson, Henry, SCH 1868–70
- Johnson, I.S. Leevy, SCH 1971–73, 75–81
- Johnson, John W., SCH 1872–74
- Johnson, Samuel, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Johnston, William E., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–69, SCS 1869–77
- Joiner, W. Nelson, CCD 1868
- Jones, A.H., SCH 1874–76
- Jones, Charles, CCD 1868
- Jones, Henry W., CCD 1868
- Jones, Marshall, SCH 1886–87
- Jones, Paul E., SCH 1874–76
- Jones, Walter R., J-SCPC 1876
- Jones, Williams H., Jr., SCH 1868–72, SCS 1872–76
- Keith, Samuel J., SCH 1870–77
- Kennedy, Kenneth, SCH 1991–P.
- King, John R. C., SCH 2009–P.
- Kinlaw, Alex, Jr., J-SCFC 2009–P.
- Lang, Jordan, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Langley, Langdon S., CCD 1868
- Lee, Alison R., J-SCCC 1999–P.
- Lee, Brenda, SCH 1995–05
- Lee, George H., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, J-SCIC 1870–72
- Lee, John, SCS 1872–74
- Lee, Levi, SCH 1872–74
- Lee, Samuel, J-SCPC 1876–78
- Lee, Samuel J., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–74
- Lilly, John, SCH 1872–74
- Lloyd, Joseph W., SCH 1870–72
- Lloyd, Reginald I., J-SCCC 2003–06
- Lloyd, Walter P., SCH 1995–05
- Logan, Aaron, SCH 1870–72
- Lomax, Hutson J., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Mack, David J., III, SCH 1997–P.
- Malloy, Gerald, SCS 2002–P.
- Manning, Lee Casey, J-SCCC 1994–P.
- Maree, William, SCH 1876–80
- Martin, Daniel E., Sr., SCH 1984–92, J-SCCC 1992–01
- Martin, Moses, SCS 1873–76
- Martin, Thomas H., SCH 1872–74
- Matthews, John W., Jr., SCH 1975–85, SCS 1985–P.
- Maxwell, Henry J., SCS 1868–77
- Mayer, Julius, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Mays, James P., SCH 1868–70
- McBride, Frank Earl, SCH 1985–91
- McDaniels, Harry, SCH 1868–72
- McDowell, Thomas D., SCH 1870–72
- McEachern, Joseph A., SCH 2009–P.
- McKinlay, Whitefield J., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- McKinlay, William, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- McMahand, Willie B., Jr., SCH 1993–01
- Mead, John W., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Mears, George M., SCH 1880–91
- Mickey, Edward C., SCH 1868–72
- Middleton, Abram, CCD 1868
- Middleton, Benjamin W., SCH 1872–74
- Middleton, Earl Matthew, SCH 1975–85
- Miles, Mary P., SCH 1983–85
- Miller, Franklin F., SCH 1868–70
- Miller, Isaac, SCH 1872–74
- Miller, M.S., SCH 1872–74
- Miller, Thomas E., SCH 1874–80, 86–87, 94–96, SCS 1880–82, USH 1890–91, CCD 1895
- Mills, James, SCH 1872–74
- Mills, L.S., SCH 1882–83
- Milton, Syphax, SCH 1870–72, 74–78
- Minort, Charles S., SCH 1872–74, 76–77
- Mitchell, F.S., SCH 1884–85
- Mitchell, Harold, Jr., SCH 2005–P.
- Mitchell, Herbert Larry, SCH 1985–87
- Mitchell, Theo Walker, SCH 1975–85, SCS 1985–95
- Mobley, Junius S., SCH 1868–72
- Moody-Lawrence, Bessie Ayers, SCH 1993–09
- Moore, Alfred M., SCH 1870–72
- Moorer, Jacob,
- Morgan, Shadrach, SCH 1874–78
- Morrison, William C., SCH 1868–70
- Moultrie, William J., SCH 1880–83
- Murray, George Washington, USH 1893–95, 96–97
- Murray, Joseph R., SCH 1975–81
- Murray, Julius, SCH 1979–85
- Myers, Nathaniel B., SCH 1870–78
- Myers, William F., SCS 1874–78
- Nance, Lee A., CCD 1868
- Nash, Jonas W., SCH 1868–69
- Nash, William B., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–77
- Neal, Joseph H., SCH 1993–P.
- Nelson, William, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Nesbitt, Richard, SCH 1874–76
- Newman, Isaiah D., SCS 1983–86
- Newman, Clifton, J-SCCC 2000–P.
- Nicholson, Floyd, SCS 2009–P.
- Nix, Frederick, Jr., SCH 1872–74
- North, Charles F., SCH 1872–74
- Nuckles, Samuel, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Owens, Joseph A., SCH 1880–82
- Parker, Joseph, SCH 1880–82
- Parks, Julia Anne, SCH 1997–98, 99–P.
- Patterson, Kay, SCH 1973–85, SCS 1984–09
- Pendergrass, Jeffrey, SCH 1868–72
- Perrin, Wade, SCH 1868–70
- Perry, Matthew J., J-USDC 1979–P.
- Peterson, James F., SCH 1872–78
- Petty, Edward, SCH 1872–74
- Pinckney, Clementa C., SCH 1997–01, SCS 2001–P.
- Pinckney, William G., SCH 1874–76, 82–83
- Presley, Thomas, SCH 1872–74
- Prioleau, Isaac, SCH 1872–74
- Purvis, Henry W., SCH 1868–70, SCAdG 1870–77
- Rainey, Joseph H., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–70, USH 1870–79
- Ramsey, Warren W., SCH 1868–76
- Randolph, Benjamin F., CCD 1868, SCS 1868
- Ransier, Alonzo J., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, LTG 1870–72, USH 1873–75
- Ravenel, Cain, SCH 1882–83
- Reed, George A., SCH 1872–74, 76–78
- Reed, Isaiah, CCD 1895
- Reynolds, A.C., SCH 1888–89
- Reynolds, Thomas J., SCS 1884–87
- Richardson, Mark P., SCH 1890
- Richardson, Thomas D., SCH 1868–70, 74–76
- Richmond, John C., J-SCPC 1878–80
- Riley, Henry, SCH 1872–76
- Rivers, January R., SCH 1892–93
- Rivers, Prince R., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–74
- Robinson, Hamilton, SCS 1882–83
- Robinson, Joseph, SCH 1876–78, 80–85
- Rogers, Abigail, J-SCFC 1989–95
- Rue, John C., SCH 1880–82, 86–87
- Rush, Alfred, SCH 1868–70, 74–76
- Rutherford, James Todd, SCH 1999–P.
- Sasportas, Thaddeus K., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Saunders, Sancho, CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72
- Scott, John L., Jr., SCH 1990–08, SCS 2009–P.
- Scott, Robert F., SCH 1868–70
- Scott, Timothy E., SCH 2009–P.
- Scott, William, SCH 1874–78
- Sellers, Bakari T., SCH 2007–P.
- Seymour, Margaret B., J-USDC 1998–P.
- Shelton, Sara Valena, SCH 1985–89
- Sheppard, W.H., SCH 1884–85
- Shrewsbury, Henry L., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Simkins, Augustus, SCH 1872–76
- Simkins, Paris, SCH 1872–76
- Simmons, Aaron, SCH 1874–76, 84–85, 88–89
- Simmons, Benjamin, SCH 1875–76, 78–80
- Simmons, Hercules, SCH 1874–76
- Simmons, Robert, SCS 1882–85
- Simms, Charles, SCH 1872–74
- Simons, Lewis, SCH 1872–74
- Simons, William, SCH 1868–72, 74–76
- Singleton, Andrew, SCH 1882–83, 90
- Singleton, Ashbury L., SCH 1870–72
- Singleton, J.P., SCH 1871–72
- Singleton, James, SCH 1882–83
- Smalls, Robert, CCD 1868, 1895, SCH 1868–70, SCS 1870–75, USH 1875–79, 82–83, 84–87
- Smalls, Sherman, SCH 1870–74
- Smalls, William, SCH 1878–80
- Smiley, James E., SCH 1868–70
- Smith, Abraham, SCH 1868–72
- Smith, Fletcher N., Jr., SCH 1997–09
- Smith, Jackson A., SCH 1872–78
- Smith, Willie T., Jr., J-SCFC 1978–93
- Smythe, Powell, SCH 1868–70
- Spears, Butler, SCH 1872–74
- Spencer, James A., SCH 1874–76
- Spencer, Nathaniel T., SCH 1872–74
- Sperry, Charles H., SCH 1872–74
- Steele, Henry S., SCH 1874–76
- Straker, Daniel A., SCH 1876–77
- Stubbs, Calvin, CCD 1868
- Sullivan, Caesar, SCH 1872–74
- Swails, Stephen A., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–77
- Tarlton, Robert S., SCH 1870–74
- Taylor, Angela R., J-SCFC 2010–P.
- Taylor, Levola S., SCH 1991–93
- Taylor, Luther L., Jr., SCH 1983–91
- Thomas, John W., SCH 1870–72
- Thomas, William H., SCH 1876–77
- Thomas, William M., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–76
- Thompson, Augustus R., CCD 1868
- Thompson, Benjamin A., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70, 72–74
- Thompson, Joseph, SCH 1874–76
- Thompson, Samuel B., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–74
- Thorpe, James, 1876–78
- Tingman, Julius C., SCH 1872–74
- Turner, Robert W., SCH 1872–74
- Valentine, Richard M., SCH 1868
- Vanderpool, John, SCH 1872–76
- Viney, William, CCD 1868
- Walker, Dublin J., SCS 1874–77
- Wallace, John, SCH 1872–74
- Wallace, Thomas H., SCH 1890
- Warley, Jared D., SCH 1870–74, SCS 1874–77
- Washington, Julius I., SCH 1886–89
- Washington, McKinley, Jr., SCH 1975- 90, SCS 1991–01
- Weeks, David, SCH 2001–P.
- Weldon, Archie, SCH 1874–76
- Westberry, John H., SCH 1874–80
- Weston, Ellison M., SCH 1874–76
- Whipper, J. Seth, SCH 1995–P.
- Whipper, Lucille S., SCH 1986–97
- Whipper, William James, CCD 1868, 1895, SCH 1868–72, 75–76, J-SCCC 1875, J-SCPC 1882–88
- White, John H., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–72, SCS 1872–76
- White, Juanita M., SCH 1980–97
- Wideman, Hannibal A., SCH 1872–76
- Wigg, James, SCH 1890–91, CCD 1895
- Wilder, Charles M., CCD 1868, SCH 1868–70
- Williams, Bruce H., SCH 1874–76, SCS 1876–87
- Williams, Dewitt, SCH 1983–96, SCS 1996–97
- Williams, Kent M., SCS 2005–P.
- Williams, Robert Quentin, SCH 2007–P.
- Williamson, Thomas M., CCD 1868
- Wilson, George, SCH 1975–79
- Wilson, James Clement, SCH 1872–74
- Wilson, Joseph Alva, J-SCFC 1988–91, J-SCCC 1991–97
- Wimbush, Lucius, SCS 1868–72
- Wingo, Coy, CCD 1868
- Woods, Robert R., SCH 1973–87
- Wright, John B., SCH 1868–70
- Wright, Jonathan J., CCD 1868, SCS 1868–70, J-SCSC 1870–77
- Wright, Smart, SCH 1874–76
- Young, James, SCH 1872–76
- Young, Prince, SCH 1872–74