John was the son of William Bratton deLoach and Josephine Serre Kershaw. He graduated from the University of South Carolina (1922) and its Law School (1925). He practiced law in Camden for 56 years.
He belonged to the Kershaw, South Carolina, and American Bar Associations, the American College of Probate Counsel, the American Judicature Society, and served as a special circuit judge.
He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Dekalb Township, the Camden Chamber of Commerce, the Trustees of Camden Academy, the Masons, Grace Episcopal Church and one of the first scoutmasters in Kershaw County. He served in the Navy in World War II. Married to Jane Adams Shannon for 59 years; they had two sons, John Jr. and William Bratton. John was a gentleman; responsible to his family, his city, his church, his nation and his profession.