The third outstanding lawyer bearing this name practicing in Charleston for 125 years, 1866–1991.
Son of Harriott Ravenel Buist and Augustine Thomas Smythe. Yale University, B.A. Admitted to South Carolina Bar, 1947. U.S. Navy World War II and Korea. Retired Captain, U.S.N.R.
S.C. General Assembly, 1955–1964. Chairman Judiciary Committee; Chairman, Charleston County School Board. President, S.C. Chamber of Commerce and Carolina Plantation Society. He was a Senior Partner and Managing Partner of Buist, Moore, Smythe & McGee.
Professionally, served as President of Charleston County Bar and American Counsel Assoc., member House of Delegates and Board of Governors American Bar Association, Director, American Judicature Society, and member S.C. Bar and American College of Probate Counsel, Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference. Received Charlton DuRant Award, 1990.
Survived by his wife, Nancy Connor Smythe, and four children.
He gave his time and talents to his profession and to his community, state and nation, and won the respect of all who knew him.