Beloved Dean of the University of South Carolina Law School from 1946 until 1959, Samuel L. Prince was born in Williamston, the son of Circuit Judge George E. Prince. He was a graduate of Wofford College, like his father before him. He studied law under his father and was a partner in the firm of Watkins and Prince at Anderson for 32 years. As Dean of the University of South Carolina School of Law, he guided its post-war growth.
He led the reorganization of the South Carolina Bar Association and became its President in 1953. He founded the Southeastern Regional Law Teachers Conference and fostered establishment of the South Carolina Judicial Council.
His sense of character and of the duty owed his profession made him work to raise standards in all areas of the law.
He had this book, Memory Hold the Door, established to inspire young lawyers in emulating the virtues of their outstanding predecessors, and to strengthen the Law School Endowment Fund for the benefit of future law faculty and students. He loved and served the law.