George Gage was educated at Wofford College, receiving an A.B. in 1875 and at Vanderbilt University, receiving an LL.B. in 1880. He was married to Miss Janie Gaston of Chester.
He practiced law in Chester where he built up a lucrative practice. He was active in civic affairs and served on City Council. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1895 and was chiefly responsible for its enactment of the prohibition against Special Legislation. He served as a Circuit Judge for the Sixth Judicial Circuit from 1898 until 1914, and was elected to the South Carolina Supreme Court in 1914 and served as an Associate Justice until his death.
A diligent student not only of the law, but of the Bible, history and the sciences, he was a wise and learned Judge who spoke in simple language and was ever zealous in the protection of Constitutional rights.