Upon completing this Federal Regulations unit, you will be able to:
- Recall that statutes authorize agencies to write regulations at the federal level;
- Describe how the Code of Federal Regulations is organized into titles, parts, and sections;
- Use the AUTHORITY note of a federal regulation to identify its statutory authority;
- Use the SOURCE note of a federal regulation to find where it was first published as a final rule, and any subsequent amendments, in the Federal Register;
- Identify the Federal Register’s role in publishing proposed regulations, requests for public comment, and final regulations;
- Find federal regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations by citation, or by subject using an index or a basic keyword search;
- Identify relevant federal regulations using the annotations to a federal statute, or by using applicable federal agency websites;
- Use a table of contents to find other relevant federal regulations and to contextualize them in a regulatory scheme;
- Find cases and secondary sources that have cited a federal regulation using the major citators;
- Analyze a federal regulation and determine its relevance to a legal issue in the context of a set of facts;
- Use the Federal Register on govinfo.gov and eCFR to update federal regulations;
- Interpret the flags and signals used by the major citators to update federal regulations; and
- Cite federal regulations using the Bluebook.