Born May 14, 1918, at Loris, son of William Luther Rhodes and Gussie Worley Rhodes; honor and ODK graduate Duke University, 1939; honor and Wig and Robe graduate, University of South Carolina School of Law, 1942; service in the United States Air Force, 1942–1946, with oversees duty in India.
Member, Sunday School teacher and deacon First Baptist Church, Varnville. Member, House of Representatives, Hampton County, 1950–1960; Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, 1956–1960.
Admitted to the Bar, 1942; successful law practice, Hampton 1946–1960, Resident Judge, Fourteenth Judicial Circuit, 1960–1975; Associate Justice Supreme Court, 1975–1980; and member, county, State and American Bar Associations and American Judicature Society.
Attained civic recognition as president Hampton Junior Chambe of Commerce; Hampton, County and Rotary Distinguished Citizen; 1975 Grand Marshal Hampton Watermelon Festival; membership on the S.C. Judicial Commission on Crime; and inclusion in Who’s Who in America.
Married Elizabeth Rentz Dubose; three children — Nancy Ruhf, Jane Peeples and Jennifer Ethel Cummings; grandchildren — Kate and Jason Ruhf, Ashley and Spencer Peeples, Laura and Christie Cummings.
Christian Gentleman, Devoted Family Man, Scholar, Distinguished Lawyer and Jurist, Public Servant, Humorous, Caring, and Compassionate Friend are the Trademarks of his Journey through Life.