Neville Holcombe was a superb lawyer, a man of highest principles, a civic leader and a gentleman.
He was a native of Spartanburg County, and was an honors graduate of Wofford College and Harvard Law School.
He practiced law with former Governor John Gary Evans and Greg Galbraith from 1930 until 1942. He served in the Navy for three years during World War II and was discharged as a Lieutenant Commander.
He subsequently became a partner of Holcombe and Bomar, which was later changed to Holcombe, Bomar, Wynn and Gunn. He was counsel to important business clients.
An effective litigator, he was probably best in appellate work. He argued important property tax equalization cases before the South Carolina Supreme Court.
An outstanding Mayor of the City of Spartanburg from 1953 until 1961, he followed this with service on City Council. He was a Trustee of Converse and Vorhees Colleges and was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Wofford College.
A long-time Director of South Carolina National Bank, he also served in many civic positions of leadership, including President of the United Way, the Chamber of Commerce and the Municipal Association of South Carolina.
Honored as “Man of the Year” by the Spartanburg Kiwanis Club in 1963, he also received the "Distinguished Citizenship Award" in 1982 from the Chamber of Commerce.
He was a loyal churchman, Trustee, Lay Reader and Vestryman of the Episcopal Church of the Advent.
He is survived by his wife, Fannie Louise Vermont Holcombe and four daughters.
He was the complete public servant and a lawyer’s lawyer.