The son of the distinguished Greenwood lawyer, F. Barron Grier and Henrietta McWillie Withers, Frank B. Grier, Jr. was born in 1907. He attended Bailey Military Academy and The Citadel. He received an A.B. degree from the University of North Carolina in 1928 and an LL.B. degree from the University of South Carolina in 1931. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. He entered law practice in Columbia with the firm that became Nelson, Mullins, Grier and Scarborough. In 1935, he married Helen Coles Shand and their lawyer son entered his father’s firm.
In 1958, he served as President of the Richland County Bar Association. He was a member of the South Carolina Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Federation of Insurance Counsel, and the Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference. He was a Communicant of Trinity Episcopal Church, President of the Cotillion, a member of the Centurian Society, and the Forest Lake, Palmetto and Pine Tree Hunt Clubs.
He specialized in insurance law and excelled through scholarly competence and highest integrity. Helpful to young lawyers and his subtle humor, humility and compassion won him many friends. He was an ardent sportsman and a delightful hunting companion.
Devoted and loyal to his family, church, profession and friends.