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University of South Carolina School of Law
Memory Hold The Door
Memory Hold The Door, Volume II: 1968–1977
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Memory Hold The Door, Volume II: 1968–1977
Memory Hold The Door Honorees from 1968 to 1977.
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George Lamb Buist (1888–1967)
Tolliver Cleveland Callison (1884–1966)
Angus Hamilton Macaulay (1893–1964)
Henry Kimsey Osborne (1875–1949)
Augustine Thomas Smythe (1885–1962)
Ashley Cowan Tobias, Jr. (1886–1966)
The Honorable Richard Smith Whaley (1874–1951)
Henry Edward Young (1831–1918)
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William Talley Elliott (1903–1961)
Calhoun Allen Mays (1884–1967)
Douglas McKay (1886–1966)
Samuel R. Watt (1900–1968)
Arthur Rutledge Young (1876–1947)
Irvine Furman Belser (1889–1969)
John Calvin Bruton (1907–1969)
Eugene Bryant (1902–1969)
The Honorable Edward Colgate Dennis, Sr. (1872–1955)
Charles Bell Elliott (1885–1970)
David Edward Finley (1861–1917)
William Gist Finley (1895–1969)
Peronneau Finley Henderson (1877–1968)
James Bryson Murphy (1887–1965)
Mortimer M. Weinberg (1896–1968)
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Shuler Augustus Black (1901–1970)
Frank Boyd Gary, Jr. (1900–1971)
William Heyward Grimball (1917–1999)
Peter Hector McEachin (1895–1971)
Franklin Pierce McGowan (1898–1968)
John William Thurmond (1862–1934)
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Edgeworth Montague Blythe (1872–1945)
The Honorable James Francis Byrnes (1882–1972)
James Henry Hammond (1885–1970)
Abram Lindsay Hardee (1893–1969)
Jacob Nathaniel Nathans (1894–1939)
Benet Polikoff (1898–1970)
Huger Sinkler (1868–1913)
Calhoun Thomas (1903–1970)
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James Franklin Dreher (1910–1972)
Frank Barron Grier, Jr. (1907–1971)
O. Langdon Long (1891–1971)
Julian Mitchell (1867–1960)
Patrick Henry Nelson (1910–1964)
William Munro Shand (1881–1941)
The Honorable Samuel Wilds Gillespie Shipp (1880–1937)
Charles William Fraser Spencer (1876–1956)
Thomas Franklin Watkins (1881–1973)
John Frank Wilmeth (1889–1956)
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Robert Edgar Babb (1872–1951)
Nathaniel Berners Barnwell (1877–1950)
John Ignatius Cosgrove (1888–1948)
The Honorable Steve Campbell Griffith (1898–1972)
John McLure Hemphill (1887–1952)
John McKee Spratt (1907–1973)
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Robert Beverley Herbert (1879–1974)
Harvey Williams Johnson (1899–1972)
The Honorable Joseph Travis Johnson (1858–1919)
Alfred Cleo Mann (1889–1956)
Thomas Ketchin Elliott McDonald (1898–1974)
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The Honorable Gordon Badger Baker (1906–1973)
William Clarence Boyd, Jr. (1904–1975)
James Monroe Fulmer (1912–1971)
Jefferson Davis Griffith (1889–1973)
George Davis Levy (1883–1972)
Floyd Dean Rainey (1904–1975)
Thomas Porcher Stoney (1889–1974)
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Edgar Allen Brown (1888–1975)
Thomas Pinckney Lowndes Cain (1901–1953)
Samuel Henry Edmunds (1901–1968)
Coleman Karesh (1903–1977)
Robert Hoke Robinson (1916–1977)
Frank L. Taylor (1910–1976)
Irvine Furman Belser
John Calvin Bruton
Eugene Bryant
The Honorable
Edward Colgate Dennis, Sr.
Charles Bell Elliott
David Edward Finley
William Gist Finley
Peronneau Finley Henderson
James Bryson Murphy
Mortimer M. Weinberg
Arthur Rutledge Young (1876–1947)
Irvine Furman Belser (1889–1969) >>