In addition to holding the largest law library collection in South Carolina, the University of South Carolina houses a significant collection of visual art on display in the University of South Carolina School of Law Center, depicting lawyers, jurists, political figures, legal thinkers and scholars prominent in South Carolina legal history from the beginnings of the Carolina colony in the 1660s to the present. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries in particular are well-represented in the collection, with such figures as James Louis Petigru, John Belton O’Neall, John Caldwell Calhoun, James Francis Byrnes and Strom Thurmond, to mention just a handful. The collection also includes images of portraits of deans of the University of South Carolina School of Law, from the first dean, Joseph Daniel Pope, to Walter F. Pratt, who served as dean from 2006 to 2011. Images of successive deans and other South Carolina legal figures will be added to the collection in the future.
For information about the collection, please contact Dr. Michael R. Mounter at 803-777-6002 or the Reference desk at the Law Library at 803-777-5902. Click on the image in the collection to go to a larger image of the portrait or artwork.