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LRAW Research Fall 2024

Checklist for Researching a Problem with a State Statute

Find the Statute

Cited in a Case or Secondary Source, OR
Statutes & Court Rules>
 South Carolina
Subject>index or keyword search entire Code or Title

Popular Name Table/Index

Read the Statute
References to Other Statutes
For each element of the statute:
Annotations to the Statute

Context & Analysis:
     Cross References to other statutes
     ​Library References>Topics & Key Numbers
     ALR, Encyclopedias, Law Reviews, AGs Opinions
Notes of Decisions
     Cases citing the statute>organized by topic

Update the Statute & Find More Resources (KeyCite)

Understand flags
Statute not amended, repealed, or found unconstitutional
Check for proposed or pending legislation

Citing References to the Statute

Additional Cases that cite the statute
Can filter in many ways, including:
by jurisdiction, date, notes of decisions topics, search within results

Secondary Sources that cite the statute
Table of Contents

Understand the purpose/big picture
Find related statutes, e.g., Definitions statutes

Cases found in Notes of Decisions/Citing References
Read the Cases 
Read the cases you find and the cases and statutes
cited within those cases.

Click on the relevant key numbers in the headnotes to find more cases ​on that topic.

Browse or search Key Numbers for cases on the topic
Update Cases & Find More Resources (KeyCite)

Understand flags
Case not overruled or reversed or superseded by statute
Check for negative treatment 
declined to follow, criticized, or validity questioned)

Citing References

View cases and secondary sources citing a case

Filter case results by jurisdiction, date, treatment, 
headnote, reported or unreported, Search within results



Find the Statute
Cited in a Case or Secondary Source, OR
Statutes & Legislation>South Carolina
 >South Carolina
 Code of Laws Annotated by LexisNexis
Subject >keyword search entire Code or Title
Read the Statute
References to Other Statutes
For each element of the statute:
Annotations to the Statute
Research References & Practice Aids
     Cross References to other statutes
     Law Reviews

Case Notes
     Cases citing the statute>organized by topic
Update the Statute & Find More Resources (Shepardize)

Understand signals
Statute not amended, repealed, or found unconstitutional
Check for proposed or pending legislation

Citing References to the Statute

Citing Decisions: Cases that cite the statute
Narrow by analysis, court, date, search within results

Other Citing Sources: Secondary Sources that cite the statute
Table of Contents

Understand the purpose/big picture
Find related statutes, e.g., Definitions statutes

Cases found in Case Notes/Citing Decisions
Read the Cases 
Read the cases you find and the cases and statutes cited within those cases.
Click on relevant topics above the headnotes to find more cases on that topic.
Browse or search Topics for cases on the topic
Update Cases & Find More Resources (Shepardize)

Understand signals
Case not overruled or reversed or superseded by statute
Check for negative treatment 

(distinguished, declined to follow, criticized, or validity questioned)

Citing Decisions & Other Citing Sources

Citing Decisions
View cases citing a case
Narrow results by court, analysis discussion, headnote, date, Search within results

Other Citing Sources
View secondary sources citing a case