Microsoft Word dominates word processing in the legal profession; you cannot practice law without encountering Word. And arguably, you must know how to use Word to efficiently practice law. While you might think you've mastered Word—you've been using Word most of your life, and you know how to type words into Word—chances are that thought gives you a false sense of competency. Knowing how to type words into Word scratches only the surface of Word's capabilities.
You must learn how to effectively use Word for the following key reasons:
Law Students: To secure the latest version of Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office, go to the Microsoft Office Portal. Click “Sign In” and login with your UofSC email address and password. Then click on “Install Office” on the top right corner of your screen.
Microsoft Word for Legal Professionals by Affinity Consulting Group
Updated February 2023
Written for the unique Microsoft Word needs of the legal industry, this convenient PDF manual provides user- friendly, step-by-step guidance along with extensive screenshots. For purchase through the American Bar Association.
Richland Library offers access to video tutorials on Word, Outlook, Excel, and much more on, for free if you login with your library card number and PIN. (A library card is free for residents of Richland County; otherwise $65 annual fee.)
Attorneys also regularly use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat. For additional information on using these programs within the context of law practice, see the LibGuide for Law Firm Technology, specifically the Productivity Software tab.