To get your journal started, contact the U.S.C. Law Library to request they create a organization for your journal affiliated with the law school’s subscription. Once your journal has its account set up, you can:
Charles P. Pierce, This Cannot Be the Way Occupy Ends, Esquire: Pol. Blog (Nov. 17, 2011), [].
When a Perma Link defaults to private after creation, it’s commonly because the original site has a ‘no-archive’ tag in its code. You can still access the link in your Perma account, and it can be used for citation, but those outside of your organization will have to be given access by you if they wish to view it. For more on Private Records, see the User Guide. was developed by the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard Law School.
Over 200 libraries and institutions have used Perma to create over 350,000 links, ensuring their citations and research will never succumb to link-rot.
Guide Version USC Journals 2.0
Individual Students
Rather than placing all of your Permalinks in the main area, you should take advantage of the ability to organize your organization's work area. Specifically, we suggest that journals make a folder for each issue of the publication, and authors make a folder for each article or presentation. That way if you ever need to go back and review, you have a much more limited set through which to comb.
Batch Uploading
You can enter a list of several links at a time and Perma will generate a Permalink for each one. If one of the links is bad (404 error), Perma will alert you. However, each link should still be checked to make sure it works.
Authentication Walls
Perma cannot copy something kept on the other side of an authentication wall, even if you can see it on your screen at the time you make the link. Perma's servers have to be able to get to the site and they do not have your permissions. The best practice for content hidden behind authentication is for the authors to make screenshots which can then be uploaded to Perma and displayed with the Permalink.