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American Indian and Indigenous Law Resources

Publicly Accessible Databses

Tribal Court Clearinghouse is a comprehensive website established in June 1997 to serve as a resource for American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country. It is one of the most comprehensive websites on tribal justice system issues, and includes a wealth of tribal, state, and federal resources.

National Indian Law Library (NILL)  at the Native American Rights Fund is a law library devoted to federal Indian and tribal law. NILL maintains a unique and valuable collection of Indian law resources and assists people with their Indian law-related research needs.

Harvard's Caselaw Access Project (CAP)

CAP includes some tribal court decisions - those published in West's American Tribal Law Reporter (1997-2017).   Unfortunately, CAP does not include cases as they are published, cases not designated as officially published, nor, non-published trial documents.

Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project

This is a cooperative effort among the University of Oklahoma Law Center, the National Indian Law Library, and Native American tribes, which provides access to tribal constitutions, tribal codes, and other tribal legal documents. (While this is an old resource and has not been updated in a number of years, it still is a good resource starting out - think historical information.)

Indigenous Digital Archive

This is a project of the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture in collaboration with the New Mexico State Library Tribal Libraries Program and the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center The Indigenous Digital Archive will help you explore the history of US government Indian boarding schools in the 19th and 20th centuries.  Explore, annotate and learn from over 500,000 archival documents about Santa Fe Indian School and others, all kinds of boarding school records, yearbooks, and letters.

Licensed Databases

These resources require USC login credentials or being phyically on campus, or are only available to law school students and faculty via password (noted with )


HeinOnLine Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law (formerly the American Indian Law Collection)

This is a collection with more than 3,700 titles and more than 1.5 million total pages dedicated to indigenous American life and law, including treaties, federal statutes, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and more. Must be on campus network or have current USC status to access remotely.

LLMC Digital Native American Collection 

LLMC Digital provides access to a collection of digitized legal literature and government documents previously available only in microfiche, including primary law from federal legislative, executive,and judicial branches of government. The Native American Collection includes a selection of historical constitutions, laws, treaties, federal government documents, and treatises. Must be on campus network or have current USC status to access remotely.

LLMC Digital Indigenous Law Portal

The Indigenous Law Portal from LLMC Digital provides access to materials as well as links to tribal websites and primary source materials found on the web. Tribal information includes constitutions and codes and can be browsed by region, state, and alphabetically. Must be on campus network or have current USC status to access remotely.

ProQuest Congressional 

A great resource for researching Congressional reports, bills, hearings, committee prints, serial set maps, and other documents. For legislative histories of enacted federal legislation, use Legislative Insight.  Must be on campus network or have current USC status to access remotely.

ProQuest Legislative Insight

A great resource for federal legislative history research. For research on legislation that was not enacted, use ProQuest Congressional. Must be on campus network or have current USC status to access remotely.

Westlaw Native American Law Practice Area 

In addition to Westlaw's substantial primary and secondary sources for research and ebooks available on Proview, our license includes tribal codes and court decisions; federal databases specific to federal cases, statutes, and regulations related to Native American law; and secondary sources in the Native American Law Practice Center. Restricted to USC Law (password required).

Lexis Advance Native American Law Practice Center

In addition to Lexis Advance's substantial primary and secondary sources for research, our license provides access to Lexis Advance's collection of Tribal Codes and Court Decisions. Also include are news sources such as Law360 Native American and Mealey's Native American Law Report. The Practice Center also outlines key topics to create alerts or search filters. Restricted to USC Law (password required).