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Scholarly Legal Writing: General Materials

A collection of resources and tips to assist our students and faculty with scholarly legal writing


Scholarly Writing

The aim of this guide is to provide students (and interested faculty) with a collection of material about writing scholarly articles in the field of law (as opposed to briefs and memorandums).  The material highlighted here is available to the students, faculty, and staff at the University of South Carolina School of Law.  The highlighted material includes information on grammar and style, the scholarly writing process, and getting on law review.

Writing Style

Law Review

Best Practices

First, while most law reviews use the Bluebook for their citation style, be aware that there are other styles out there such as Chicago, APA, and MLA to name a few.  The best practice is to find out the preferred citation style of the journal(s) to which you are considering submitting your article.  Get a copy of that citation manual and have a copy of your work that uses that style ready for submission.  You may also find Purdue OWL a useful resource.


Second, modern scholars often need to refer to web pages in their work.  The problem is that web pages change and disappear, a process called "link rot" which erodes the utility of the scholarship's citations over time.  The best practice to combat link rot is to use an archiving service to capture and preserve copies of the websites.  The law library has an institutional account with the Perma archiving service.  You can find more information on this at our LibGuide.

Scholarly Writing